Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I've been busy doubling! On oboe, Eh and CLARINET! And my $30 Buffet J found at the Value Village is actually doing a great job - all the real clarinet players are very impressed. So any trouble I have is due to operator error, not faulty equipment.

The show is Annie Get Your Gun, and it is really quite perfect for my initiation into real doubling. I played clarinet for Gigi, and doubled on Pirates of Penzance and Music Man, but those were more grass roots productions. I think I did get paid, but this is a union job, and it has been a LONG time.

Many oboe players start on the clarinet, so it is an obvious double, but I started on oboe (after piano lessons). I am loving (mostly) the part, I even have several "solo-y" places which are really fun. I like the places with 2 clarinets in harmony best, it is a blast to play with M.

This weekend for some reason the PTB decided NOT to do a show on Sunday (Mem Day), so I surprised my honey and took him to the big city to see Candide - his favorite opera of all time. This is a show that is rarely mounted, and he had never seen a live production, so it was really fun to go - the pit was great (although the sound guy was NOT), and the oboe/d'a/eh part was played by a guy I knew from Tacoma Symphony days. Did a great job too, and what fabulous music! Kinda sad to come back for AGYG, but it is fun in it's own way (and they're paying me).