Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Snow snow snow

Well, after a soggy brown February, we woke up to 8" new snow! And no signs of stopping yet. Kinda crazy but pretty. Jim says I should just stay home today, but I have WW5 (my quintet) and bells (which I direct) so I really have to go out. If it is really awful I can cancel bells, but I'm betting the roads will be ok by evening (for most people - EXCEPT ME!) Of course the Ks up the road have 4 wheel drive, would just hitch a ride with them except for the WW5 problem. And we have a gig coming up for that; and we haven't rehearsed since our last concert (a month ago), and who knows what is going on with our poor bassoon player (wrongly accused of inappropriate behavior with an 11 year old girl student - such a scam - even her accusation sounds ridiculous! There were 300 people in the auditorium and he "brushed against her" when she pushed into him trying to get a bingo card!!!! Of course I am all for ridding the world of evil child molesters; but this is so stupid, E is a great guy, born teacher and sooo careful of making sure there are other adults in the room...anyway, he has been on leave for 3 weeks now and my heart breaks for him. I am sad about the little girl too - what kind of warped thing is in her brain, and has anyone been planting infomation on her? So sickening that this talented teacher's career could be over because the administration doesn't have the balls to say, this is not a valid problem????!!!! Honestly, you have to believe that EVERYONE in the room brushed against EVERYONE else...I've seen this auditorium and it's not that big. And I've known E for years, would COMPLETELY trust him with my child.
Nuf said.

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