Saturday, October 9, 2010

It's Mahler time!

Has been really interesting putting this concert together with EPCO (expensive private college orchestra). I am surprised at how different it is with so many PEOPLE! We have nearly twice as many bodies, and it is hard to hear. The conductor is searching to cue people, a problem exacerbated by the fact that we have been in a different venue every night!

Musically it is coming together, but we're running out of time. We do have a sound check tonight, our only opportunity to play in the church. This is also our first time to play on our new moveable stage (available for rental!). Last year you may remember I painted plywood boards black so we would have a hard surface to play on - this did help a lot but the new stage should be even better as it is 4" high and interlocks in 8' pieces. We'll see!

I am worried because they are not planning to bring the shell tonight - I think it helped a lot but the concern is there won't be room for it. I don't understand that thinking, since there is no "wall" the stage just has a curtain then it becomes a huge backstage area. But no one asked me! Hopefully it will be ok - Mahler isn't too impressive if your giant brass section is swallowed up by curtains.

My husband has been asked to take pictures during sound check - he is "into" photography and has some really nice equipment. The orchestra certainly can't afford a professional photographer, and it seems like a great idea to have pix of this extravaganza.

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