Sunday, October 21, 2007

church music

This morning I am trying to fit making two reeds in before running off to direct the bells. This is probably the worst I have felt about the bells since I have started. Seems like there is more dropping out than usual - although it is mostly people who are sick or on vacation. But I'm just so tired of begging people to play, trying not to make them feel guilty...I just want to say, fine! Don't come. Whatever. I just want to play, maybe alone. In my spare time I need to go to the bell store and get some music, but I don't even know what to say about how many ringers I have, which pretty much determines what we can ring. Perhaps I'm feeling a bit burnt out?

Tomorrow I have a lesson with G - the mysterious G as Patty calls him! hehehe. Although he does make fabulous reeds, he isn't taking new customers anymore. So I feel I must come up with something to play - making reeds seems to be the easy out. How did I ever do this in college? Oh yeah, that is ALL I did!

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